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Commandment 1: Get out of your comfort zone

If you want your life to change, you need to change something in your life

“No joke, Sophia! Really? We could have never guessed this without you! I know, I know, don’t thank me, guys! Always good advice coming from me, right?!”

More seriously, we all want to change things in our life, but at the same time, most of us are freaking scared of changes …. Can you see the problem here? We want things to change but are scared to change them …. Why are we such a complicated species?

Although, I can understand … let’s be honest here: it’s just super nice to stay in our comfort zone, not taking a risk and then not taking a chance of failing …. It does feel very safe.

But listen, imagine yourself doing what you dream of every day …. How do you feel about it? Is it something that excites you?
If Yes, then do it! (if it’s legal, of course) Trust me, go for it! Once you overcome your fear, you’ll see that you can do anything you want.
You’ll be more confident and more eager to try new things, and you will be unstoppable …


Let me talk about my personal experience so you can understand better what I am saying.
Three years ago, I decided to take a break from Uni to do some internships in English-speaking countries (FYI: my English level was as good as my running skills … nonexistent … so double challenge: moving to foreign countries on my own without speaking the language properly…)
I started with London, which was more convenient for me in case I wanted to abort the mission and return home quickly due to homesickness… SPOILER ALERT: I did not abort the mission; I loved it.

My experience in London was so amazing that I decided to push my experiment and my limits above and beyond by moving to the USA for another internship. (let me know if you want more info about it, and I will write an article ;) )

To be completely transparent with you, it was not a piece of cake. It was hard. I sometimes felt lonely and felt like I was not worth it because of my English level. I had a few moments when I completely locked myself down.

In those times, I used to call my family. They know how to cheer me up. They always help me put my problems and my doubts into perspective. I was able to stop overreacting.

From then, instead of saying, “OMG, I can’t do it; I am not good enough. I should quit right now.” I became more like “, Listen, Sophia, look how far you came from, how much you achieved. You are lucky to live such an incredible experience. Please focus on the good things and enjoy them to the fullest. You can do it. You are going to achieve everything you want. Step by step. Don’t rush it.“


Changing your mindset is key. Think positively instead of negatively. It’s normal to doubt and be scared… the most crucial thing is not letting bad thoughts stop you from trying. I overcame my doubts and my fears. So can you!

This decision to take a year off was the best decision I have ever made at that point in my life. I might sound cheesy, but honestly, I grew up so much and have learned so much about life and myself.

I became a much more mature young woman, much more confident and almost fearless. Now, if I want to do something, I go for it because I have learned how to overcome my fear and, most importantly, that I have nothing to lose – I am in a learning process, and everything I do is an experience that teaches me something.

When I moved to London, I was a shy, not very confident young law student. I returned as a young woman ready to live life fully and take on new challenges.

New challenge … this is what I have done after being post-graduated from Law school. I moved to London in 24h and quit everything to start a new life there. Honestly, I wouldn’t have made such a bold move if I hadn’t challenged myself by getting out of my comfort zone a couple of years ago.


I am not telling you that you should be as drastic as me. I want you to know that if you really want to achieve something in your life, you can.

No matter how scared you are or what people think or say to you. No matter what you want to do, you can if you really want to do it. You have to get out of your freaking comfort zone and go for it! Seriously, Go for it! What do you have to lose? Nothing much, right ?!

If you don’t succeed at first, it will not be a failure but a lesson. You can learn from it. Like my parents say, “It’s better to have remorses than regrets.”

What would you like to say ten years from now? “I wish I had done that …” or “I can’t believe I did that”?

So, what is the biggest challenge you have had so far? What is your biggest dream?
I would love to know more about you. Let me know in the comments 🙂

Always remember this: “Be confident, Be you.”

Lots of Love,

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